Assessment can be challenging due to shape and extensive trabeculations.
Important for critical care - CO has to equal CO of left heart and function is arguably more important given the RV's sensitivity to fluid balance, positive pressure ventilation and many crit care pathologies.
RV - inflow and outflow regions.
Contracts longitudinally, radially (free wall towards septum) and rotation pulled by LV.
Pulmonary vasculature is a low pressure system so RV is less muscular than LV.
Ejection of SV continues into its relaxation so outflow is semi continuous.
Dilates acutely in response to increased afterload and is able to become hypertrophied in 48hrs.
RV is perfused in both systole and diastole so function is dependent on adequate MAP.
Key features of RV peristaltic movement:
RV and PA must be viewed as a coupled unit - RV-PA coupling.